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Vacuum Degasser

Vacuum Degasser

Product Over View

The HIKEVacuum degasser is a new compact, hydronic system and replaces the conventional large Inline air separator . It keeps the system pressurized and remove the system air.


  • Fullyautomatic degassing and water make-
  • Works on Henry’s law that dissolved gas is proportional toits partial pressure above the 
  • Largegraphical animated touch 
  • Easyto schedule degassing 
  • Digitaldisplay for system pressure, tube pressure , flow rate, degass volume, make volume,
  • Itcan work at low pressure (>0.8bar) 
  • Smoothworking operation with Variable-frequency drive
  • ModbusRS 485 Connectivity for BMSItprevents air-lock and cavitationReducescorrosion in piping and sludge